Wednesday, November 17, 2010

French Pringles.

This week we are back with Chef Sebastien and our new instructor Chef Kristen.  We are learning Petit Fours, which are basically mini pastries.  Each day we have been working on a number of different recipes, the majority of which I will show you on Friday.  At the beginning of the week we made the batters for this lovely treat, and we have slowly been baking them off during the week.  Their proper name is a tuile, and they are a crunchy treat that you can flavor almost anyway you like.  The ones shown above are coconut, and orange chocolate.  When we were learning to make them Chef Sebastien was trying describe what they are like to us silly Americans and he said, "they are kinda like..." and I shouted out "pringles!".  He smiled and said "NO Emily... zeh our nOt like pringuuuls".  haha Could I be any more white trash?  You have to admit though... they sorta do look like pringles.  But, these are French pringles, so they are MUCH better tasting.

Baking is incredibly therapeutic.  Mostly because you have to stop thinking about everything else, and concentrate on what you are doing.  If you are concentrating on a football game while slicing something, you will slice your fingers off.  Don't pull a Chef Scott.  If you are daydreaming about your weekend, you stop whisking fast enough, and make scrambled eggs in your batter.  You get the picture, you have to concentrate.  I'm too immature for meditation, therapy is too expensive, so baking is the best way to hit the "off" button on my brain and tune out the world for a few hours.  Then, best of all, you have something delicious to eat afterwards.  Less talking, more eating.  I should've been a therapist. 

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