Monday, October 4, 2010

Hot Mess

This week is all about... wait for it.... CHOCOLATE!  Yes you read me write (dumb joke, I know)  We started today with the basics of working with chocolate, and the best way to temper chocolate.  The classic way is to pour 75% of it onto the granite table and cool it.  Then you mix it with the last 25% and voila! Tempered chocolate.  Problem though.  The idea of smearing messy chocolate all across my clean table made me want to cringe.  This was like asking me to pour wine on a white carpet.  Do I have to?  Yes I did have to.  After the initial shock, it was kinda fun.  Except, I was way tempted to place both hands in my puddle of chocolate and stick them to my partner's face.  I restrained myself, and casted all of my chocolate pieces.  If it wasn't for Chef Scott, I would have easily bypassed the hand washing station and licked my fingers clean from the melted chocolate.  Actually, make that my fingers, hands, wrists, and forearms, clean from melted chocolate.  I think it should be illegal to rinse chocolate down the drain.  When I was done, I quickly rinsed my spatula before it went missing.  "Where did my spatula go? Oh yeah, it's in my mouth."

On a serious note, it kills me to see some babies on the train.  On the way home tonight I saw a baby girl wrapped up in a once-white bath towel and a cut up men's jacket.  Her cigarette-smell drenched mother was asking if she was hungry in a sweet playful voice.  Then she pulled out a musky bottle filled only with water.  The baby girl was hardly even 3 months old.  I hate seeing this and not being able to do a thing about it.  I see toddlers chugging diet coke, babies being fed mushed up fries, or little little babies sucking on huge lollipops.  Eating poorly is supposed to be for your college years, not your baby years.  Well on that downer note I'm gonna say goodnight.  Say your prayers & brush your teeth.  Night.

Here are the pieces I made today.  I know my leaves are a little janky, leave me alone, it was my first try.


Unknown said...

Hi Em,
It is sad to see children in these situations. Hopefully they are loved and can survive their baby years. All we can do is help where we can and pray for people in these situations. Love, Mom

Mel said...

O my gosh, you are so talented already!! I am very impressed with your chocolate pieces! I love watching you live your dream.