Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Spread the News!

Look what came in the mail today!  Cards that share the magical goodness, a.k.a my blog.  This website will someday be the website for my cakes, and you can be the cool person that knew about it from the beginning.  If you would like some of these cards to pass out to your friends, family, that weird cousin, the pool guy, or the boss's daughter you're not dating then be my guest!  Click the "Contact Me" button to your right ("Ohhh that's what that's for") and I will send you 2 or 20.  Yes, my cell number is on here, so if you crank call me in the middle of night... I'll kill you.  Thanks for the support!


Beckie said...

LOVE the cards! very cute

Anonymous said...

Dear Emily,

Wow. You should be a writer, a journalist, a creator of crafty word delights, ...when you are not busy making incredible sugar ribbons.

The Captain